Thursday, August 30, 2007

My year begins.... now.

School today went by pretty fast after 1st period which was good. My dad picked me up today after school then we drove to the DMV and then waited for the test. I scheduled for a 3:00 test and didnt even get to take it till 3:50 -_-. Oh well I'm licensed B). My car is being registered and fixed up though now and I wont be able to drive it till next week but my parents said to use one of their cars for the mean time which is ok. I hope things will get better now haha.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Firstday of school

Today was the first day of my junior school year and it was nice seeing the people I havent seen all summer. All my classes are pretty cool except for spanish but thats cause I just dont like spanish and I want 1st period PE. I didnt get to see the red moon last night either >= but I'll have another chance when I'm 36 -_-. 2 more days untill my driving test and I feel a little nervous but overall confident that I'll pass. I really hope tomarrow goes by faast because today took forever to end, oh and I find out if I keep the integra today.

Ohh and I don't have any homework tonight B).

Monday, August 27, 2007

New blogger for the new year

So in a few hours summer will end and the start of my junior highschool year will begin. I'm excited fro the year and have a good feeling that it'll be much better then last year. This summer was good I can say it was better then last summer and I had a good time and met a lot of people. I'll be posting pics too here soon since I got my D80<3, well tomarrow will be my first blog for the new school year.